Why next generation of hull form
For high performance military/paramilitary/professional boats
must be hybrid self-stabilized monohull?
For standard monohulls:
Stability against seakeeping ability, against hull efficiency and against comfort;
Good stability, though meaning difficult to roll over, however also means violently turning back to the initial position from sharp heeling or terrible rolling rather than keeping in position with no sharp heeling/rolling from high speed tactics maneuvering (even only in flat water) operation or only riding in breaking/quartering waves, thus good stability is at the cost of sacrificing comfort and also against well-being of the crews;
Poor self stabilizing effect with inherently too sensitive pitching motion throughout the whole high speed tactics maneuvering;
For catamaran hulls:
Floating body offset the CL and joined by large wet deck means poor structural stability, strong twisting forces in quartering seas, terrible damaged control and even far worse slamming in rough open seas once waves are high enough to hit the wet deck;
Besides, when climbing or going down on swells, speed can be sharply decreased to even ZERO to cause accidents/tragedies due to the effect of the full-length, large-sized wet deck which can block water from smoothly flowing out.
For trimaran hulls:
Too slender main hull body with far-away side hulls/supporters(technically called amas) to lead to serious pitching and deck swamping in waves which can lead to the damage of the hull structures, the machinery and everything performing on the hull platform due to strong twisting forces generated by turbulent waves (Following our insight, this is just the scientific root behind the endless disasters that have been experienced with every of the US Navy Independence-class litteral combat ships which make all such ships born disaster because of the problems in the design of the basic hull architecture platform); too small living conditions in the hull, too poor maneuvering agility and poor docking convenience.
And, here comes the K-TOUGH Hull,
A uniquely architected hybrid monohull architecture
that has been real-life validated by the possibly toughest coast guard operating conditions of the world to have fundamentally changed the more than 100 years of stagnation in high performance boat capabilities for rough open seas and hostile environments.
Here comes the uniquness behind our K-TOUGH Hull architecture:
Innovated as basic hull architecture for high speed boats, it uniquely enables any project-specific boat solution to be developed from the very DNA to self stabilize its riding behaviors in rough seas, self clear up impact brought by oncoming waves, self dampen landings on high swells, self generate and re-allocate lifting forces to optimize center of pressure and evenly lift the boat, self brake to get high speed crash stop to be easily achieved in very short distance without significant bow-down/wake making/slamming/bow swamping besides capabilities to effortlessly cut, penetrate and track through choppy seas and swells and capabilities to self protect all dangerous hull structural areas to allow the boat to continue navigating and mission handling even in the event of damage to the keel along the whole hull length from emergency grounding or damage to the portside hull, the starboard hull, the bow and the stern from collision by illegal boats, thus having made the world-class safety-threatening problems of too sensitive, abrupt and violent open sea riding behaviors with poor damaged survivavility to have been fundamentally removed from the scientific roots.